(Phil. 2:1-4)

E pluribus unum, “Out of many one,” is not only the U.S.’s motto since 1782, it’s God’s Kingdom standard for His Warrior Bride - the Church of Jesus Christ and the focus of the NJ Northeast Section of the AG. (Eph. 4:1-6)

You’re Invited!

Dear Northeast Family,

Before we go head first into the Christmas season, please join us for our annual Northeast Christmas Dinner on

Monday, December 2nd @7pm, 2024 at The Hope Center, 110 Cambridge Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07307.

Just tap the button below to register. We encourage you to bring your husbands/wives, your children, and your pastoral staff/key leaders and their families.

We only ask that you please register the amount of people coming so that we can properly arrange the food.

Blessings, Pastor Mario & the NES Sectional Team

NES Missions Dinner/Service

Join us for our Northeast Missions Dinner & Service with missionary and pro-life advocate, Pearl Corbin on Monday September 23, 2024. We'll also hear from 2 of our US missionaries.

The dinner fellowship portion begins at 6:30pm, and is open exclusively to church pastoral staff, boards and leadership teams. All others can join us for service at 7:30pm.

Please register by clicking the blue button below. When you arrive please come to the downstairs fellowship room. (Missionaries, please choose the free ticket option)

Service at Gospel Tabernacle 5029 John F. Kennedy Blvd, North Bergen NJ (51st & Kennedy Blvd)

Please note, this is our last Northeast Event until our Christmas Fellowship in December.

In this season, prayer is more important than ever, so we encourage to support the upcoming Million Women event in October in Washington DC. Also don't forget, Network Summit is happening in October as well.



NES Culture Wars Presentation w/Walter & Ana Nistorenko at the Hope Center

September 17th, 2024, 7pm @ THE HOPE CENTER, 110 Cambridge Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07307

Pastors Walter & Ana Nistorenko will be speaking on Culture Wars, Tues, Sept 17 at 7pm at Hope Center. This update will equip us and our people during this season. Many of you said, you wished your church members had been at the last meeting. This is your opportunity to bring them. We encourage you to bring your staff pastors, board and key leaders. This would also benefit parents at your church as well. Tap the button below to register. 


Pentecost Rally 2024

We've been praying for churches in the Northeast all week, particularly about the opportunity we have to gather from different churches in one place this Pentecost Sunday, May 19 at 6pm.  If you're struggling, or need a touch from God, or an answer to prayer, don't miss this service. We're expecting a life changing word from Pastor Kurt Kinney. This may be your "suddenly".

Come celebrate with us and bring someone with you.

Pastor Kurt has been the lead pastor at Bethel since 1995. He and his wife Kathy moved here from State College, PA after serving as associate pastors there. Pastor Kurt is a graduate of Northpoint Bible College. 


Dinner & Conference, Monday Night, Feb. 12 @7pm - Bethel Newark

We are privileged to have a good friend and powerful man of God, fellow Presbyter Walter Nistorenko from the Southern Section and pastor of IMPACT CHURCH, sharing the word with us, with particular emphasis on the challenges our churches are facing in this increasingly hostile environment toward our churches, families and most critically, our children.

PLEASE DON’T MISS THIS MEETING! You will equipped with tools that you can use to help protect your ministry. I will also be available to you to guide you in any of your LEGAL CONCERNS in ministry, as we navigate these increasingly troubled waters as well.


Dinner begins at 7pm at Bethel AG in Newark. The presentation will follow.

LOCATION: 580 Mt. Prospect Avenue, Newark, NJ 07104

EVENTBRITE LINK FOR DINNER RESERVATION (FREE): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/february-nj-northeast-ministers-gathering-at-bethel-newark-tickets-794378325957?aff=oddtdtcreator

We believe that these meetings are in God's perfect timing. James is called to activate prayer in the body of Christ, and there's no time more important than now for expanding our capacity for prayer.

James leads Prayer Storm UK, a movement of worship & intercession which equips the church to be in prayer as well as gathering people from across the UK to fast and pray for the nation believing God for a great spiritual awakening. Since its inception in May 2009, Prayer Storm has become a catalytic movement, seeing many develop a heart of intercession, starting regular prayer meetings in churches, schools, universities and work places. He's ministered in conferences for Lou Engle, Corey Russell, Kim Owens, Karen Wheaton and Jeremiah Johnson, amongst others.

We are expecting a great and unique move of God with Dr. Howard Morgan. He has been a mentor to our Presbyter and Pastor Leigh for their entire ministerial life, from calling them into the pastorate to affirming an apostolic mantle over their lives. He has traveled the world sharing the Kingdom message from a unique Messianic perspective par excellence, as a Jewish believer and teacher. The prophetic edge of his teaching ministry is truly unmatched. He serves as an evangelist, prophetic voice, and an apostolic influencer to hundreds of ministers. We expect it to be a powerful time of worship and deep learning as we sit under this “general’s” tutelage in the faith. In a time of war, it is critical that we understand the strategies and action items that God has placed in the hearts of our generals.

Come out and don’t miss what God has laid out for you and for the future of your ministry.


Continuing the prophetic stream in the NJ Northeast Section of the Assemblies of God, join us as we receive a word from Pastor Tania Fuentes, who has been in ministry for more than 35 years. She has ministered nationally and abroad, as well as planted churches, and founded a Community Development Corporation. Pastor Fuentes ministers in power with a strong prophetic edge!

Sunday, May 21st, 2023 at 6pm at The Hope Center.


Continuing the prophetic stream in the NJ Northeast Section of the Assemblies of God which has already featured impartational ministry from Kim Owens, Corey Russell, and James Aladiran in 2021 and 2022, 2023 will launch with a word from Pastor Don James, our NJ Network Superintendent who will be sharing a powerful and exciting prophetic vision for the NJ District, the Northeast Section, and the United States as a whole for that matter, on

Sunday February 26th, 2023 at 6PM at the Hope Center.

NETWORK CHURCHES: Please register online for the 6PM service by clicking HERE

2022 SHIFT CONFERENCE | James Aladiran

It’s come time in the United States and in New Jersey in particular for a Shift in the spiritual atmosphere. It’s time for God’s people (Ekklesia) to move to a deeper level of intimacy with God and a higher level of spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. To this end, the NJ Northeast Section of the Assemblies of God invites you to join with us for a series of meetings and rallies through which God will usher in the SHIFT that we so desperately need. CLICK ON EACH EVENT BELOW TO REGISTER (Gray areas).

  1. PRIVATE PASTORAL PRAYER SUMMIT with James Aladiran - Thursday, Sept. 29th @7:30 pm - West Hudson Christian Center, 557 Kearny Ave, Kearny, NJ 07032 (Ministers only)

  2. NES YOUTH SHIFT RALLY with James Aladiran - Friday, Sept. 30th @7:00 pm - The Hope Center, 110 Cambridge Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07307


  3. NES SHIFT RALLY with James Aladiran - Sunday, Oct. 2nd @6:00 pm - The Hope Center, 110 Cambridge Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07307 [OPEN TO EVERYONE]


NJ Northeast AG Pentecost Rally with Guest Speaker Bishop John Czubkowski'

Date and time: Sun, June 5, 2022, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT

Location: Hope Center Tabernacle, 110 Cambridge Avenue, Jersey City Heights, NJ 07307

We are expecting a great move of God on Sunday June 5, with Bishop John Czubkowski bringing the word - an apostolic voice to The Northeast section of which he remains an honorary member and valued advisor. God is positioning the NES tribe and the NJ District for another great awakening.

Service is at Hope Center. Prayer at 5pm. Service at 6pm. Please register so we know how many people are coming (you can register as a group). Translation will be made available in Spanish, Portuguese, and French/Creole as needed.

To Register, click here:

Don’t miss this!

God is calling us throughout the Northeast in the United States to seek out and nurture revival in the people we have been called to serve, in our Churches, and in our AG Fellowship. This is the time for the warrior Bride of Christ to stand and resist the work of the enemy. The victory is ours, but we must grab hold of it.



557 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032

There have been many recent prophetic words about God doing something unique and world changing with our current generation of young people. We believe that opportunities need to be created that will serve as incubators and catalysts for revival - ministries and divine moments propelled by college age and older young adults that target people in that same demographic.

On this day NES Pastors and leaders will be bringing young men and women, people in their churches over which there is a calling of God on their lives, affirming them and anointing them so they can grab hold of their calling and begin to operate in their gifts. It will be an amazing night!

NJ Northeast Christmas Dinner & Gathering

Monday Dec 6 @7pm at The Hope Center. For NJ Northeast ministers & their families.

We have A LOT to celebrate this year. We look forward to delicious food, fun and great fellowship. Our Christmas dinner is for all NJ Northeast ministers and their families. Pastors, if your pastoral staff is not on our mailing list, we encourage you to invite them to this event

Revival Meetings

I pray that this coming Friday & Saturday’s meetings with Corey Russell (IHOP, Kansas City, MO & Upper Room, Dallas, TX), bring breakthrough for our churches, our region and each of us individually. Power and purpose flow from intimacy with God. This next season requires that we go deep with Him.

My desire is that we find everything we need to realize a great awakening in our nation. Revival and awakening are entirely dependent upon a repentant and prayerful church.

Join us Friday Aug 27 at 7pm and Sat Aug 28 from 9am-3pm Click the button to register for one day or both days.  

I look forward to seeing you this weekend.

Rev. Mario Gonzalez Jr. Esq, Senior Pastor, The Hope Center & Presbyter NJ Northeast AG


The NJ Northeast Section

We represents the largest, most ethnically diverse Section in the most integrated State in America. We represent people coming from most nations in the world. But more importantly, we seek to represent Christ and to model him in our thoughts, words and actions. As such, flowing from the teachings of Jesus, our ministry priorities are simply stated: Love God then love each other. (Matt. 22:37-40) If you are ready to be a part of a tribe that genuinely values God and His people and are looking to genuinely make a spiritual and physical difference, JOIN US.


Take Action

James says it best, “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” (James 4:17) Doing nothing is not an option when expanding the Kingdom of God. There just is too much at stake - Our Church’s, our families, and our spiritual lives. Would you help us to build the Kingdom of God by joining our team and/or by giving regularly to help our churches in the Northeast NY/NJ metro area to reach their communities for Christ? We will be using every cent to help build our churches. Talk is cheap. Godly action on the other hand, is transformative.